When we decide to take the helm of a boat, we must bear in mind that, as in other means of transport, there are basic navigation rules that must be followed to ensure everyone’s safety. Today we will discuss the basic sailing rules that you should know to avoid penalties and incidents.

Main basic navigation rules

The basic rules of navigation are made up of numerous regulations that refer to each of the aspects that influence navigation.

Licences and certificates

We start with the most important of the basic boating rules. If you do not have a special licence or certificate to drive and/or own a boat, this can lead to a serious sanction and even a three-day imprisonment if the driver causes danger or an accident.

Remember that each of the boats has a licence to sail and you must have the appropriate one for the boat you are going to drive or own within the basic rules of navigation.

In addition, the basic sailing rules also refer to the licences that must be held in order to be able to sail in certain areas, and even to dock.

Safety equipment

Safety is one of the main points addressed in the basic navigation rules, so there are differences when it comes to having and certifying the different safety equipment that the boat must have.

Some of the elements that are compulsory on many boats and which are included in the basic navigation rules are flares, fire extinguisher, lifejackets for all occupants…

Fall prevention

Although precautions are taken, the sea is an unstable environment, so the basic rules of navigation contemplate different measures to be taken in order to have a good fall prevention protocol. In addition, it implements other measures to be taken in the event of a fall into the water.

This point is very important within the basic navigation rules, as a good or bad action can have great consequences for the occupants.

Prevention of dumping

Boats produce a multitude of waste that must be regulated, recycled and dumped according to the basic rules of navigation to ensure that the waters are kept clean and do not cause any health risk.

You must take good care of this point as the penalties for non-compliance can amount to thousands of euros.

normas basicas de navegación

Tips on basic navigation rules

In addition to complying with the basic rules of navigation, here are some useful tips.

  • Maintain a prudent and reasonable speed adjusted to the sea and traffic conditions.
  • You must always give way to boats on your right and avoid abrupt manoeuvres.
  • Keep a wide safety distance from boats, buoys, harbours or restricted areas, you can save yourself some scares.
  • Use the right lights for each situation, for example, differentiating between night and day.

Now that you know the basic rules of navigation, it’s time to put it into action and for this, in Navigate we have a large fleet of boats to enjoy the Costa del Sol.

If, on the other hand, you have decided that you would prefer someone else to be in charge of the boat, we also have boats that include a skipper service.

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